Watch This Message From Russell For Details On How To Claim Your Free Ticket
December 17th
"One To Many Selling & Building Your Own Stages!"
Your Call To Contribution
8:00 AM PDT (11:00AM Eastern)
The 'One To Many' Selling Framework
9:30 AM PDT (12:30PM Eastern)
60-Minute Lunch Break
The Perfect Offer
12:00 PM PDT (3:00PM Eastern)
Building Your Own Stages
1:30 PM PDT (4:30PM Eastern)
7-Figure Selling Debriefs
3:00 PM PDT (6:00PM Eastern)
December 18th
"Creating A Crowd Of Your Dream Customers!"
My Top 'False Belief' Closes
8:00 AM PDT (11:00AM Eastern)
'On The Fly' Dramatic Demonstrations...
9:30 AM PDT (12:30PM Eastern)
60-Minute Lunch Break
Creating A Starving Crowd
12:00 PM PDT (3:00PM Eastern)
Crafting A 7 Figure Pitch
1:30 PM PDT (4:30PM Eastern)
'One To Many' Coaching
3:00 PM PDT (6:00PM Eastern)
December 19th
"Advanced Sales, Persuasion and Influence!"
Creating Your Movement
8:00 AM PDT (11:00AM Eastern)
How To Win Despite Having All Odds Against You...
9:30 AM PDT (12:30PM Eastern)
60-Minute Lunch Break
PRIVATE SESSION: Wizard Of Oz Showing Behind The Curtain... (Only Select People Allowed To This Session)
Advanced Persuasion
12:00 PM PDT (3:00PM Eastern)
The Most Important Thing...
1:30 PM PDT (4:30PM Eastern)
From: Russell Brunson
Location: Boise, Idaho
Dear friend,
No matter “who” sits in The White House, and regardless of what the Wall Street Bros are up to… learning how to sell online – using my ethical and legal “one-to-many” selling secrets – can help you create your own PERSONAL economy, giving you the life and career you’ve always dreamed of!
Now, is this 3-day ‘Selling Online’ challenge for you?
To avoid wasting your time, I’ll quickly describe the nature, mindset, and experience of the person this challenge is designed for…
IF YOU WANT MORE! You’re a business owner or marketer and currently HAVE a product, service, or a webinar… but for whatever reason, it’s not converting or producing the number of sales you want – then this is for you.
IF YOU WANT TO BE GREAT! Right now, you’re pretty good at making sales… but you don’t want to settle for “good,” you want to be great! (e.g., you don’t go to Michael Jordan to learn how to shoot a ball, but how to take your decent game to the NEXT level.)
AND IF YOU’RE A COACH! If you’re a coach of any kind and you’re struggling to bring in customers who connect to your message and then take action – then this is absolutely designed and made with you in mind!
I’m going to get right to it – I’m Russell Brunson, and over the last 20+ years, I’ve been SPILLING almost all of my selling secrets, including publishing numerous books…
…driving millions of dollars of traffic to my online sales funnel trainings…
…and workshopping “how to sell” in front of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people at my live marketing events.
With my experience, I’ve also been fortunate enough to help hundreds of everyday entrepreneurs go from not knowing the first thing about selling online… to eventually becoming online marketing masters, earning multiple Two Comma Club Awards with their online sales funnels!
However, there’s still a whole LOT more selling secrets I’ve held back – the “dangerous” stuff that I’ve used to transform seemingly uninterested prospects into red-hot buyers who happily parted ways with large sums of moolah!
What I share is so valuable and highly lucrative, I’ve been able to go from a timid, introverted “non-sales” type (where I freak out before “asking for the sale”)…
…to easily and confidently get people to take me up on offer after offer, without hesitation.
The problem MOST people make when it comes to “selling” is they think there’s only ONE way to sell… (picture the typical “car salesman” using high pressure sales tactics).
With my unique form of “selling,” I actually do very little in regards to “asking for the sell.”
Instead, I use my “one-to-many” selling secret blueprint that walks my prospects through the buying process (without them even realizing it)... while I simply hold their hand every step of the way.
To give you some background on how this works, let’s dive into the different “methods” of selling, and how this ONE way continues to reign supreme, regardless of “what” you sell.
You’re probably aware of this way of selling. It’s usually over-the-phone or face-to-face.
Now, this form of selling can be really really good. I personally know a handful of people who make upwards of $1MM a year doing this method of selling.
Doing this method of selling can oftentimes lead to burn-out; or the salesperson hits a “cap” he/she can’t seem to break-through.
This is when your “sales ceiling” is dramatically lifted because you can now do the same presentation you would have given to a single individual… and deliver it to a MASSIVE audience, which cuts down on the time it would normally take to receive WAY more sales.
For example – when I sold the $2,997 offer to Grant Cardone’s audience of 9,000 attendees with one 90-minute presentation.
If I were to do that same presentation one-on-one, it would have taken me 6 ½ YEARS to achieve the amount of sales I received in one single day!!!
This method, while amazing in so many ways, can be very limiting because 1.) you’re beholden to the number of times you can get on stage in front of a live audience, and 2.) you have to “assume” you’re answering all of the audience’s questions and helping them overcome objections… without talking to them individually.
With this method, you’re taking your skill-set, plus audience, and removing “time” from the equation.
With this method, you can take your sales skills and plug them into a “simple sales funnel” and have an endless supply of your DREAM CUSTOMERS coming to you!
Most people who teach this method are either “fly by night” marketers who are looking to make a quick buck, never to be heard from again… or they simply don’t know what they’re talking about – oftentimes using outdated tactics and strategies that simply don’t work in today’s modern ways of selling online.
Now, here’s the thing: all THREE of those methods have something in common… increasing your SKILL-SET when it comes to selling.
It takes learning a new set of skills to go from “method one” to “method two”... and a whole NEW set of skills to go from “method two” to the ultimate predictable and constant flow of sales, which is “method three.”
To perform “method three” of selling online, you’ll need the right tools, the online sales funnel software, to make it happen.
Now, I’m biased and will always say ClickFunnels is the #1 online sales funnel tool for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
We’re the first, and continue to be the best and that’s because we’re constantly working and improving the software to meet the needs of our salespeople such as yourself.
But here’s the reality, and I wouldn’t normally say this – but...
The REAL magic is WHAT IS ON each of the pages within the sales funnel.
If you say the wrong words, or the right words at the wrong time, then people will scrunch their faces as if they whiffed a nasty odor and be outta there faster than you can say, “wait, there’s more!”
That’s why I worked tirelessly over the last 3 months to put together the ULTIMATE A to Z of learning how to take your skill-set of selling and apply it to method three: selling online for an infinite number of sales!
I call it the…
I’ll reveal THE RIGHT WORDS to use on each step of the funnel that’ll practically hypnotize your prospects, and have them eagerly part ways with LARGE sums of money – even for the most expensive packages you offer!
All without…
The 3-day ‘Selling Online Challenge’ will give you the ROBUST confidence in your sales skill-set with an iron backbone where others see you as someone they respect and trust.
The best part?
It’s all automated.
In other words, once you’ve built and refined your sales funnel (and in the way you’ll learn during the challenge)...
…you can literally set it on autopilot where you start to make “sleep sales”... allowing you to snooze while your bank makes the “cha-ching” sound over and over again.
With that said, here’s…
On day one, we’re kicking it off by showing you the “one-to-many” selling framework, how to build a perfect offer that is uniquely YOUR OWN (and how to make it practically irresistible to your customers)!
And lastly, we’ll show you how to build YOUR own stage, where your ideal “golden customers” view you as the #1 trusted source they want to buy from!
You’ll be shocked with the amount of value you’ll receive on day one… you’ll think I’m nuts for asking anything lower than $1,997 to attend this event.
If you’re a coach or sell a service of any kind, you’re going to love this. On day two, we’re going to show you how to stop “finding” your dream customers, and instead, how to CREATE a crowd of dream customers who are starving to hear from you!
I’m also going to pull back the curtain and reveal my proven-to-work “7-figure pitch,” as well as my top ‘false belief closers’ that anyone can use to sell even the most expensive packages with iron-clad confidence.
This is where it all comes together…
On day three, we’re going to reveal the secrets to creating a “movement” where sales begin to happen with you doing very little work… allowing your customers to do all of the work for you!
Then – and this next part isn’t for everyone – I’m going to reveal my advanced persuasive, mind-controlling techniques that are so powerful at influencing prospects to take action, it’s absolutely critical they don’t get into the wrong hands.
The investment for this 3-day challenge is a one-time, discounted payment of just $100! As a previous attendee, we are granting you complimentary access to the next event.
I’ve done plenty of “free challenges” over the years, but for this very specific challenge, I’m not looking for freebie seekers.
I’m looking for dedicated, ready-to-rock salespeople who are already making sales in whatever capacity… and are looking to go from good to GREAT!
I’m not going to show you things you may have learned before, either from myself or from other sales coaches.
I’m going to show you, and then teach you, how to literally sell anything (and a lot of it), no matter the price point, and do it with the utmost confidence you may have never experienced before.
With the “in-the-trenches” sales strategies, the same I use for my own businesses, I could easily charge upwards of $500 for a single 90-minute session.
And because you’re here, and you’re part of MY audience, I want to do right by you, and that’s why all I ask is the small, one-time investment of just $100.
The investment of $100 is nothin’ compared to the powerful, high-value sales training you’ll be receiving over the 3 day period – it could literally be the single greatest training with the potential of transforming your entire sales-process, and in turn, your entire life!
I want you to feel confident this is the best decision for you and your business today. That’s why I’m offering a 100% satisfaction, money back guarantee!
If you’re not satisfied with the selling online training, and if you feel you didn't receive a shred of valuable information you can immediately implement it into your online funnel for more sales…
…then you can email my support team at after the event for a full refund with zero hassle.
Listen, I’ve never done an event like this before, and if I’m honest, with all of the work I’ve put into this “one-to-many” sales training… I don’t know if I will do it again.
With that said, if you don’t sign up today (or very very soon), then you may never get a chance to attend this event again in the near future.
This may be your ONLY chance to attend this very special, limited-time event where I show you the wizardry behind my most successful “one-to-many” sales campaigns, and how you can take my exact steps and apply it to your sales funnels with incredible results!
Now, because this is a virtual event, I want to make sure my online bandwidth isn’t strained and cause broadcast interruptions. That means once I’ve reached my cap of attendees… the doors for this event will be closed and no more will be able to join.
So if you’re here now, and you’re wondering if this is for you…
3-Day Virtual Event: 'Selling Online Challenge'
December 17th - 19th
NOTE: This event is 3 FULL days, so mark your calendar and set-aside time for those 3 days so you can be present and ready to soak up all of the amazing value!!
So you can learn the “one-to-many” selling secrets, taking your online sales funnel from good to GREAT!
First 1,000 seats
w/ Bonus Mystery Gifts!!!
1,001 - 2,000 seats
Without Bonus Gifts
2,001 - 3,000 seats
Without Bonus Gifts